KIND and Reliable Virtual Mental Health Treatment.

When kindness matters

At KIND, we are experts in...

Anxiety Disorders (Eating DO, OCD, PTSD)

Does this sound like you or someone you love?

You have excessive worry, fear, or nervousness that interferes with daily life. You have obsessive thoughts and repetitive behaviors that keep you from enjoying even the simplest of things? You have patterns of extreme dieting, binge eating, or other behaviors around food that feel out of control or negatively impact your physical or emotional well-being?

Mood Disorders (Depression, Insomnia, Bipolar )

Does this sound like you or someone you love?

You have lost interest in activities you once enjoyed? You often have feelings of guilt, worthlessness, or hopelessness? You sleep too much or barely at all. You have been told that you "talk too much". You find yourself engaging in risky behaviors or making impulsive decisions?

Neurodevelopmental Disorders (ADD, ADHD)

Does this sound like you or someone you love?

You often start a project or assignment and never get around to finishing it? You often avoid  task that require mental effort such as completing paperwork or studying? You find yourself easily distracted and unable to focus on completing a task? You catch yourself daydreaming instead of completing a task? You frequently lose or misplace items needed to complete a task or activity?



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Bebas Neue

Great Vibes

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Indie Flower


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"KIND Psychiatry and Recovery prides themselves in providing compassionate non-judgmental mental health support for all ages, identities, and backgrounds."

Thank you for guiding me back to myself. With your support, I've learned to nourish my body, mind, and spirit. I've reclaimed my life from the grips of my eating disorder and discovered the joy of living fully.

Julie W

I cannot thank you more for support during my mental health crisis. I can see a future because of you.

Marcus L

I was a single mother suffering from depression, but Kind Psychiatry and Recovery helped me to find my joy again.

Madelaine T

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